Ola guys I'm back, last week we started a slideshow that was about travelling from the bottom of the South Island all the way to the top of the North Island.The things that we had to pay for were Accommodation, Activities, Petrol and Car Rentals. We had a budget for every day and we had to try and not go over budget. My budget was $500 and with all the 11 days my budget was $5500. Sadly I went over budget by $700.
In slide 15 I think that were I went over budget because I chose a really expensive hotel in Queenstown called Hilton Hotel. I chose it because I saw the pictures and it looked very luxurious.
This was one of the most fun things we have done in math this year.
If I did it again I would probably spend less money on Accommodation and a little bit more money on activities.
Blog Ya Later!