
Friday, May 25, 2018

Oat The Goat

Hi guys, a couple of days ago we read a pick a path story called Oat The Goat on our chromebooks. Oat the Goat is a story about a goat that wants to climb to the top of the  mountain and on the way he finds lots of friends that he makes because they're being bullied and made fun of, so he asks if they are okay. They help him to climb to the top of the mountain and eventually the bullies come to realise that kindness wins in the end and help them on their journey too. Once we finished reading this book we made a six thinking hats google drawing. The six thinking hats are Information, Good Things, Negative Things, Feelings, What was Creative and What should you do now. Enjoy!

Our Emotions Using Word Art!

Emoji Word Art

Hi Guys Yesterday we started making an A-Z doc of our emotions. After we did that we were shown this really cool app called Tagul. Tagul is an app that allows you to jumble up a bunch of words and put them into shapes, you don't just have to use emojis you can use other objects as well. Most of the letters and emotions I didn't have to look up, but some of them like Z and X I had to because I couldn't think of anything for those letters. If you would like to check out Tagul here is the link
Blog Ya Later

Friday, May 18, 2018

Des Hunt Visit!

Today Des Hunt came to visit our school. If you don't know who Des Hunt is, He is famous writer from New Zealand. He's written books like Sunken Forest, Skink Gully and Cool Nukes plus a lot more. When he came he presented to the Middle School and the Seniors. Before he started writing he did chemistry which was really cool. When the show finished, it was Morning Tea but after that a group of children including me walked to the Kowhai Room to have a writing session.
Enjoy The Pics!

Des Hunt

Friday, May 11, 2018

Hauraki Installation Work

At the start of Term Two, about one week ago we started planning Installation Art for the 2018 WPS Art Show. Our Installation art is going to be around Soft Plastic. We are going to construct a house around 2 meters high, it's going to be made out of wood and see threw plastic so people can see the whole schools plastic. Yesterday Me, JD and Abigail presented this slideshow to Kaiwhare.

This work was quite easy but was a little bit hard for other teams presenting because some people had the juniors and a lot of them don't even know what soft plastic means. I can't wait to start collecting and dumping the rubbish into the house when it's finished.