
Friday, November 17, 2017

Hauraki's Gala Preparation

This year Waikowhai Primary School is having a Gala Day on November 25th. We are fundraising for the Junior playground. Each class had to make something for the day. Hauraki is making tote bags for the day to raise awareness to people on plastic bags, Manukau is making Recycled Paper and Waitemata is making soap. This was really cool because it taught me how to sew which is a very good skill. It also taught me a lot about how much damage plastic bags do to our environment. 

The first step to making a tote bag is getting your fabric then you have to cut and measure the right size. Next you have to pin the sides and then the bottom. After, you have to sew from the top, down one side, across the bottom, and up the other side, but do not sew the top of the bag together. Then fold the top down and sew a hem, fold it down again and sew another hem. Then cut handles that are about 70cm long and place them inside the top of your bag. On each end of the handles sew a square to hold the handles securely.

Some of our Tote Bags

Ben Sewing

Me sewing

Model 1.0

Model 2.0

The Mess

My first bag was not as good as my 2nd and 3rd bag.
 My favourite bag was my 3rd the one with the pasifika flowers and the blue back.
This was one of the most fun things we have done all year. It was almost as fun as camp.
The most challenging thing about this was that the sewing machines always in some way would stop working.
This has changed my thinking a lot about plastic bags and I hope it did for you too.

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